One year ago today, hip hop genius Axel Roley dropped his fantastic horror-themed EP Eve After Dark, an effort that we collectively celebrated as the horror dorks/hip hop fans that we proudly are. To further the idea, Roley has continued that theme with a new single called “A Walk on the Wild Side” which exists in the same universe as the aforementioned EP. The new track is a creepy, yet smooth instrumental that is sure to put you into a groovy, yet cautious mood as you repeatedly look over your shoulder just to be sure that this is all in good fun, and not some sort of summons for an evil beast to appear.
To get the complete experience, as soon as you hit play, imagine your favorite cinematic werewolf on the prowl in a desolate forest, slyly navigating it’s way through the trees as it searches for its next victim(s). In case you were wondering, I’m a pretty big fan of the wolfmen from Dog Soldiers, a fright flick that I highly recommend.
Listen to “A Walk on the Wild Side” below, then download it for free at the Never Nervous Bandcamp page and add it to your Halloween playlist.