Don’t call it a comeback. Or do, I don’t give a shit. Never Nervous is back, for better or worse.
So what’s different? For starters, I plan to use the “NN” name to front a new record label. Because you know, the world needs more record labels. I have a few releases on the way from a few different artists. Stay tuned on that.
As far as the blog goes, the plan is to mostly get back to business as usual. Never Nervous will remain a Louisville-centric site focusing on the music scene in the Louisville area. I don’t plan to go too far outside of this realm, but who the hell knows. There are no rules here. I stopped doing Never Nervous because it became an un-fun job that was sucking the ever-loving life out of me. With this go-around, I’ll only be posting about shit that is fun and purposeful.
The older posts will slowly re-appear, so if you’re looking for something we wrote about in 2013, hold on to your butts — it should be back soon. It’s also worth mentioning that this site is a work in progress. Please be patient, because I STILL don’t know what the hell I’m doing. This site is a mess, and probably will be for a few days.
As usual, feel free to send any suggestions/tips to nevernervousblog@gmail.com.
Hail Satan,